“They say we leave this world the way we came into it, naked & alone…
so if we do leave with nothing, what then is the measure of a life…
is it defined by the people we choose to love or
is life simply measured by our accomplishments…
and what if we fail, or are never truly loved…
what then… can we ever measure up…
or will the quiet desperation of a life gone wanting drive us mad?”
First off, wow. Last night's episode was insane. There has been a lot of speculation this morning because it was so out there. Definitely not like any other OTH episode before. But I think I like it. A LOT happened.....
It's always nice when the episode just starts and I'm already wiping the drool from my mouth. Ahhh......

These two are too cute for words. :) I knew that the Lindsey thing was going to come back around eventually though.. but after this conversation I was not liking where it was going...

I was glad to see Peyton there for Brooke again. She wants in, but Brooke just won't let her yet.

At least they gave us some Scott family love this episode. Too cute...

Well, here comes some more drool. He was so excited when he got there! I can't even tell you the sadness that I felt for Nathan last night.

I knew that Lucas and Lindsey needed some closure eventually. I wanted him to tell her that he was marrying Peyton. She did deserve that. And as much as I don't want to see anyone hurt, I fricking loved how he ended up having to tell her! I was going crazy right about here when they were talking about the Chicago date...

Yes it was sad and I kinda feel sorry for Lindsey. But Lucas and Peyton are meant to be and thats just the way it is! I'm glad that she sees that and doesn't want to stand in the way.

Everything with Peyton and her "dad" is really intriguing me. I'm not sure if I like it or not yet. I think it's totally appropriate for her real dad to be a musician though- go figure! I like that part, but why is he dancing around it...

Which brings us to... poor Haley/Jamie/Dan situation. Haley, being the great mom that she is, decides to let Jamie say goodbye to his grandpa, or so she thinks.... Crazy nanny Carrie strikes again.
I'm freaking out by this point! I was so glad that Jamie is as smart as he is though and doesn't let her in!
Go Jamie. Go!!!!
So Haley is knocked out. Dan is drugged and partially tied to the bed {Haley got some of them off!} and Jamie is running in the cornfield {which hurts by the way!- spoken by a true Iowan} from crazy nanny Carrie.
Thank God Haley somehow wakes up and gets to him!!!!!!!
But they're still in trouble. Poor Nathan who just had his dreams shattered calls home to find out what's going on- not knowing what they are in the middle of.
And I really loved this cute little touch. Too cute!
So now Haley and Jamie are RUNNING to get out of the cornfield away from Carrie!!! And out of nowhere comes.... DEB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!! She hammered Carrie's face with '59 bottle of Dom!! I fricken love it! I honestly don't think I have ever screamed so much in my life!
I love her even more for knowing in her gut that something was wrong and coming to their rescue.
Here's where it gets completely insane..... They think she's down for the count, but of course she's not and catches them by surprise....
And then comes DAN to the rescue! I knew that Dan had to be in there somewhere!
He got out thanks to the Haley untying him and shoots her with the gun he spied earlier....
Now she's gone. Right? Nope. She makes one more final appearance before Dan shoots her in the head. Traumatic to say the least!!!!
It might have been a little over the top, but it was still perfect. I thought that it worked. I really didn't feel like I was watching OTH because it was so intense! Of course the hubby thought it was awesome. :)
So back to everyone else... I am very excited about "The Comet." And I'm glad that everything is cleared up with Lindsey and she's out of the picture for good. And how nice was it to hear him say.. "My wedding, it's Peyton." Big smiles!
I'm so excited that Millie is back! YAY. {Does this mean Mouth is back too???} Brooke really needs her right now...
And I knew that something more was up with Samantha. I'm glad that we finally know she is homeless. So sad.
I think that Brooke will take her under her wing. Samantha needs a home and a family. And Brooke has a home and wants a family.
Speaking of family... I felt so bad for Peyton. I can't believe that her "dad" didn't show up for her. And it just sucked so much worse that Lucas wasn't there either. She was all alone.
Oh and....Sorry. I had to post another one of Nathan. He was looking H-O-T last night. :)
All in all, I thought it was a great episode filled with tons of excitement. I am glad that we know what happened with Carrie and that it didn't leave us hanging for 2 weeks! It sucks that Nathan was gone though... thank God Deb and Dan came to the rescue! Geez, that was awesome seeing those two work together to save Haley and Jamie.
Ahhh... I can't WAIT for the next episode. Sadly, we have to wait two weeks. Bummer! But it looks really good!
{All images via treehillfan.}
currently listening to :: how would you like it by jem.
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