Wednesday, June 30, 2010
one word:eclipse.

eclipse was last night. midnight showing. it was incredible. in fact, I was so over-the-moon in awe, that I already need to see it again because I couldn't even focus. my brain wouldn't let me!
 I was distracted with Edward & b…
yet another reason why I love etsy: they have created a Help The Gulf Coast shop!

etsy sellers can donate their products so that 100% of proceeds will help the gulf coast recover from the massive BP oil spill.
how awesome is that?!?
I was happy, happy,
wednesday wednesdaywednesday

it's getting really pretty over here!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
and it's tuesday:

which means yellow.
xo Chelsea
Monday, June 28, 2010
i am privileged, honored & excited to be participating in poppytalk's summercolourweek! starting today:
monday: pink tuesday: yellow wednesday: green thursday: red & white friday: blue
here is my pink submission for today:

i was very excited that…
listening to vampire weekend makes me want to:
a) drive down an open highway with all the windows open while the sun is setting.
b) lay in a meadow of grass and daydream.
c) dance around in my underwear.

the correct answer would be all of the above.
:: he…
we spent most of our weekend away from home this time:
in iowa city celebrating bachelor/bachelorette parties for our great friends brie&clint!

it was wonderful & ohso much fun.
we spent sunday at home recovering.
mostly napping & eating &am…
Thursday, June 24, 2010
list fifteen: favorite tv/movie couples
It's no surprise that I'm a tv/movie junkie... especially in the romance department. So low & behold, my all-time favorite on-screen couples, in no particular order.

01.Pacey Witter & Joey Potter…
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Bonjour! {very slowly working on my French}.
I'm here with my late, late weekend post. Most importantly, our lovely date from Saturday night.
With our busy lives, date night's don't usually rank up too high on the priority list. But with how…