I am a lover of many things, which means my wish list is always growing. Hey, at least I'm passionate, right? Besides, I think the hubs will find this useful since my birthday is coming up. =)
1. ae button-up flounce skirt; grey.
2. urban outfitters twisted hardware doctor bag; grey.
3. silence+noise colorblock navajo dress via urban outfitters.
4. ae embelished henley tank; black.
5. She + Him Volume One on vinyl. {or anything Death Cab on vinyl}.
6. entourage seasons on dvd.
7. How I Met Your Mother seasons on dvd.
8. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer.
9. Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides.
10. Ramones tee via hot topic.
11. Radiohead tee via hot topic.
12. Cold War Kids tee via hot topic.
.... or pretty much anything from urban outfitters.
Yep, that about does it. I could go on+on+on. But I'll leave you with just my favorites for now.
currently listening to :: the geese of beverly road by the national.
I'm in love with that UO dress.
Nice. You always find the best things to love.
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