01. loads of food for the superbowl.
02. crushing on kurt warner.
03. an entire hour of the office.
04. twilight's upcoming blu-ray release featuring a new moon teaser!
05. fountain diet coke in our breakroom at work.
06. every shade of blue under the sun in the paint section.
07. my over-worn, too-many-holes, can-barely-hold-together favorite jeans.
08. these old vintage movie stamps {makes paying the gas bill more bearable}.
09. movie/wine/pizza nights with friends.
10. vampire weekend.
11. hollie curling my hair.
12. monday tv nights with hollie.
13. an organized bathroom.
14. date nights with my husband.
15. really, really good movies.
16. booklights {without which my husband might kill me since I tend to stay up until 2 am reading}.
17. starring items in my googlereader.
18. pretty entryways.
19. this book. {imspired by the one & only SATC movie}.
20. photo blogs from faraway places.
21. listening to sleepy sun all day long.
22. heart-shaped cookie cutters.
23. birds of america.
24. my old-beat up-rusting away-'95-boat of a car {that I love}.
25. our garage.
26. daydreaming of summer.
27. rotary phones.
28. kirby's new glasses.
29. road trips to ikea.
30. the juno soundtrack.
31. really awesome bookshelves.
32. my new favorite artist. {you can surely see why from above.}.
33. reading nooks.
34. laughing cow cheese.
35. bright rainboots.
currently listening to :: vampire by antsy pants.
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