01. What Happens In Vegas is very cute. How can looking at those two not be anyway? But I enjoyed it.. very funny and sweet.

02. Having tulips freshly cut from our backyard in the house is the most amazing thing ever.
03. We have been talking about babies a lot lately. Maybe it’s the motherly holiday getting to us. No big plans for this yet, but lots of talk lately. Think it’s too early to order a fertility book??
04. Friday was my parent's 27th wedding anniversary! So they took the night to go out of town and celebrate and my sisters spent the night at our place. We watched Over Her Dead Body with Eva Longoria Parker... it was cuter than I expected.
05. The hubby and I watched a ton of movies on Saturday. I had a monster headache, it was the first day in ages that we didn’t have very much to do, and it was crappy outside- so we literally VEGGED OUT and watched movies all day long… it was wonderful.
06. We Own The Night was among them and I was very impressed! Hard to watch sometimes, but overall an excellent movie! Joaquin Pheonix and Mark Wahlberg together were phenomenal, and Eva Mendes was great in it too!
07. The Savages was another that we watched. Very quirky and sad, but overall definitely glad I saw it. Thinking about having to care for my elderly parents is not something I like to think about, however I thought the movie was genuine and well done. Did I mention I love Phillip Seymour Hoffman?
08. And finally, we also watched Closer which I had seen before quite some time ago. Didn’t remember that it’s definitely not one of my favs. Excellent cast and great acting, but call me crazy if I’m not that interested in watching a movie based entirely on cheating and sex for 2 hours. Even the hubby hated it. Oh well, we didn’t have anything much to do anyway.
09. Sunday was of course Mother’s Day! We spent the day with my family, also visiting my grandma. It was great to just relax and spend the day with family. We even convinced my dad and Brian into getting us Starbucks and watching 27 Dresses with us! Can’t beat that! Here is a photo of me and my sisters with our amazing mom on my wedding day. I hope that I can someday be as great of a mother as her, but I just don’t even think that’s possible. She is truly incredible. Lalu mom.

So yes it was a weekend filled with family and movies. You seriously can't top that! I am glad that we were able to relax and rest up because it's only Monday and my list is looking seriously daunting. Good thing there is a new OTH tonight and Narrow Stairs releases tomorrow. I will be the geek waiting for Target to open at 8 am and coming in late to work just so that I could get my copy right away. :)
Currently listening to :: Talking Bird by Death Cab For Cutie.
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