standing still.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"There are many ways of going forward,
but only one way of standing still." - -Franklin D. Roosevelt

All of these beautiful prints are from Alicia Bock and can be found in her etsy shop. She is amazingly talented and her work is absolutely stunning-- I have been eyeing them for months. I instantly thought of them as I read that quote this morning.

She also features some very funny ones, such as the one below.

Currently listening to :: Where I Sleep by Echo Helstrom


Julia Goolia said...

Hello there. I found your blog through my Google Analytics because you have me linked [Thanks for that!].

Love Alicia's work. I want to buy all of her prints asap! And I love that you linked that Some Ecard for V-day. Too cute, isn't it?!

Great blog, keep up the good work!