So I'm a little bit depressed this Monday morning.... I finished Breaking Dawn last night. Before you freak- no I am not depressed because of anything that happened- but merely because I am done with all four books. :( It's very sad. I wasn't planning on reading it so fast, but this last one was just so intense that I literally couldn't put it down. I don't want to give away anything, but I am beyond happy with how everything turned out. There were twists I would have never expected and some that I did- but in the end, I am elated. I hope that you will be too.
I also headed to Hot Topic on Friday night with Hollie & Stacey like I mentioned. I pre-ordered the soundtrack and got my 'Team Edward' pin that they were giving away. They actually only had one left so Hollie flirted with the guy a little bit and we got it, haha. Score! I am VERY impressed with the songs that I heard at the store on the soundtrack and I can't wait to get my copy. Here is a video that someone has posted on YouTube from the listening party of Rob Pattinson's {who plays the one & only Edward} song that's on the soundtrack, Never Think. I have been listening to it constantly.
At least I have the music and the movie itself coming next month to look forward to. :)
I plan on reading what Stephanie Meyer has released of Midnight Sun next {oh how I wish she would finish it!} and then I will probably at least read Twilight again before seeing the movie. After reading them all they tend to run together a bit.
Anyway, I am very grateful that I took the time to start this series, because it is without a doubt my favorite love story. I will definitely be reading them again. :) I hope you all enjoy them as much as I do. I can't wait to see it brought to life and not just in my head!currently listening to:: never think by rob pattinson.
So amazing, right?!?! I spent the next two days after I finished it re-reading my favorite parts - mostly Bella and Edward moments :).
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