Call me a nerd if you must, but I was excited when Bridgette Ann posted a quiz to find out which Twilight character you are most like! No surprise to me that I am a Bella. I didn't even think that was an option since the quiz says "Cullen heroine" but I will take it! I figured I would be either Bella or Alice. Just call me a hopeless romantic. :)
"You are observant, diplomatic and often aim to please. You are unaware of your attractiveness and despite being uncomfortable with any form of attention, people enjoy your company. You can be impatient, stubborn and headstrong, but you are true to your word and mature for your age, often taking care of your family and enjoying a good book over chatting with girlfriends on the phone."
The weird part is, that is actually a very good description of me. I am very impatient, stubborn and headstrong and I hate being the center of attention. I have always been too old for my age and just enjoy being with my family and friends and hanging out. No wonder I like Bella so much! haha. :)
Yeah, I'm glad I'm not the only dork! Ha! Happy Thursday little lady.
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