We spent Saturday cleaning the house and getting it ready for the party. The party was a blast, complete with bean bags {Guinny wanted to play and after getting scolded for running away with the bags in his mouth, thought it would be fun to lay in the middle of the game}...
.....SingStar! {that's my sis Kirby}......
..... Jello shots....
...and lots of good times....
We tend to get a little carried away when we're with our besties... it was quite a night! I will spare you the more embarrassing photos!
Here is Guinness tuckered out the next morning...
We honestly have the most amazing friends anyone could ask for. Thanks for sharing so many new memories with us.... we love you all!
On Sunday, {when Brian was feeling a bit more productive} he got to "re-open" if you will, his presents. He wasn't quite there when midnight rolled around if you know what I mean. Yet another reason that we have amazing friends... check out their GENEROUS birthday gifts...
{they all knew that I had gotten him a Wii, and they were kind enough to accessorize him up!}

Aaron & Kathy gave him a Best Buy gift card; Andrew & Stacey found Rayman 2 game for Wii {which if you know Andrew you would understand perfectly! This game fits him to a tee!}; his Dad got him and Old Navy gift card; my parents gave him a Vikings flag and flag pole that he wanted & also the Vikings bean bag set that I showed above; his brother Ricki gave him a 6-pack of Guinness and a round of golf; AND his brother CJ gave him 4000 Wii points!!!!
And not only did our friends give him all of this, they also made a birthday cake, jello shots, tons of appetizers for the party, oh and did I mention wipe his mouth after he puked and basically took care of him. Yes, I'm actually serious. They should be awarded with a medal.
Sunday morning after we were a bit recovered, the cleaning began. I don't think I've ever cleaned our house so much as I did over the weekend, but it had to be done. When we through we spent the day on the couch with G, watching movies and setting up the Wii.
Such a nice time. I am already longing for next weekend. I've got a ways to go. Happy Monday.
Currently listening to :: City Middle by The National.
It sounds like the hubby got spoiled on his b-day! That's awesome! Super cute pic of the two of you, and I had to lol at Guiness!
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