Guinny tuckered out pretty fast...
Jaxon loves to play kickball...
How cute is he??

After he was picked up it was time to head to Andrew and Stacey’s for part two of our Singstar success, as you can see from the pictures below it was quite the good time.

You must play that game. Saturday I woke up early and headed out to get Jennifer’s Baby Shower set up. It was a huge success. She got some amazing gifts (I’m particularly fond of the Cubbies onsies from yours truly).

Check out her diaper cake below and a shot of us together. I still can’t believe that next month she will be a mother. It is so thrilling and I could not be happier for their new family.

Saturday afternoon the hubby and I made a trip to Lowe’s and scored some tiki torches, citronella candles, and many other needed household items. We got home and set up the torches… they look really nice in the space. And to my delight while we out back I noticed that our peonies had bloomed!!!! They are absolutely gorgeous!! {I posted photos of both of these on Saturday because I was so excited!} We also had some photos printed for our new Ikea frames and hung them up in the living room. They look marvelous...

Saturday night we headed to our favorite little place to eat, Cannova’s, with the gang. Everyone really enjoyed it.

By the time Sunday rolled around, we were beat. We had been constantly doing something since two Wednesdays prior. We took a much-needed veg day and watched some movies, including the brilliant Feast of Love that we had at home from Netflix. I loved it. Not at all what I expected, though I’m not quite sure what that was. It was a combined of numerous love stories and how their lives entangled and complimented each other. It is now added to my list of movies I need to buy. Definitely worth seeing!!!

Here is Guinness enjoying our lazy Sunday....

After he was picked up it was time to head to Andrew and Stacey’s for part two of our Singstar success, as you can see from the pictures below it was quite the good time.
You must play that game. Saturday I woke up early and headed out to get Jennifer’s Baby Shower set up. It was a huge success. She got some amazing gifts (I’m particularly fond of the Cubbies onsies from yours truly).
Check out her diaper cake below and a shot of us together. I still can’t believe that next month she will be a mother. It is so thrilling and I could not be happier for their new family.
Saturday afternoon the hubby and I made a trip to Lowe’s and scored some tiki torches, citronella candles, and many other needed household items. We got home and set up the torches… they look really nice in the space. And to my delight while we out back I noticed that our peonies had bloomed!!!! They are absolutely gorgeous!! {I posted photos of both of these on Saturday because I was so excited!} We also had some photos printed for our new Ikea frames and hung them up in the living room. They look marvelous...
Saturday night we headed to our favorite little place to eat, Cannova’s, with the gang. Everyone really enjoyed it.
By the time Sunday rolled around, we were beat. We had been constantly doing something since two Wednesdays prior. We took a much-needed veg day and watched some movies, including the brilliant Feast of Love that we had at home from Netflix. I loved it. Not at all what I expected, though I’m not quite sure what that was. It was a combined of numerous love stories and how their lives entangled and complimented each other. It is now added to my list of movies I need to buy. Definitely worth seeing!!!

Here is Guinness enjoying our lazy Sunday....
Last night we were lucky enough to be graced with several tornado warnings and were forced to shut off the boiling water for our spaghetti numerous times between trips to the basement! Guinness had no idea what was going on, but went with it. Luckily no tornadoes touched down near us and we are safe. But it made for an eventful dinner.
Oh, and I am getting my hair cut this week. I have loved it long for a while now, but it is just too damn long and I’m sick of it. Not sure how short I will go… I'm thinking something like these...

Currently listening to :: Publish My Love by Rogue Wave.
Good luck with the haircut! It'll look fabulous! I just cut all mine off not too long ago and l-o-v-e it!
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