Blog Crush:: Creature Comforts.

Friday, April 11, 2008

I have a lot of blogs, favorites even, that I like to check daily if possible. And everyday while I'm working my way down my list, I can't wait to get to this one. And I am never let down. Ez at Creature Comforts posts about all aspects of life, mostly pertaining to being inspired. Whether it's a great outfit, design, photograph, book, seashell, whatever! And who doesn't want to be inspired?

Take a look at some of my recent favorite posts:

And to even further my infatuation with this blog, Ez has now started yet another blog aimed specifically at what inspires her; see Muse here.

Here's a peek...

If you haven't already ran over to her amazing blogs, do it now. I promise that you will leave with an uplifted spirit and maybe a small dent in your credit card.

{all images credit to Creature Comforts & Muse}
