Today is officially the first snowfall of the year for us. I have been mesmerized staring out of my window at work all day. I always love the first snowfall.... {I can't say as much for the 2nd, 3rd......} But it just absolutely beautiful today.
We have much to look forward to this weekend-- weddings, Christmas shopping & other events. Yes, I did say Christmas shopping. The hubs and I are possibly going to start our shopping tonight. We always have so much fun Christmas shopping together, and the weather has put us in the mood! Then again, snuggling up on the couch with a book or a good movie, and the husband of course, sounds like such a great option for tonight!
I will also hopefully be resting up a bit this weekend as my body obviously needs it... I have felt like crap this entire week! Body aches, headaches, the whole 9 yards- so it seems as though the flu might be just around the corner for me. I sure hope not. :(
Enjoy your weekend everyone!
currently listening to :: spotlight (twilight mix) by mutemath.
already? its too early for snow!
Oh lucky you. Snow.
Christmas shopping in cold, snowy weather is just bliss.
I think you got the same snow we did. Sucks, but hey, we had a good run of great weather!
I hope that your body gets the rest it needs!
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