Anyway, our weekend was so fabulous. I'm not sure if you could tell on Friday, but I was not having a good day. I won't go into the details because that day is over & done- but just not a good day for me. I went home, opened a bottle of wine, and pulled out as many chick flicks as I could find. Stacey came over & joined me-- so we sat, drank, watched & cried. Just what the doctor ordered. :) We watched The Family Stone- one of my absolute favorite movies, I just love, love, love everything about it! Anyway, went to bed early to forget about the day!
We had previous plans to head to Iowa City and tailgate on Saturday for the last home Iowa game with our friends- but Brian ended up having to work {and wasn't feeling the best anyway} so we ended up staying home. So I woke up early on Saturday and sprang into major cleaning mode. Cleaned, sorted, organized and did laundry until about noon and then I was done for the day. My sisters came over to spend the day with me and we had a great day. We got lots of blankets and settled in for a movie marathon! Played games and messed around- it was so nice. When Brian came home we got some Chinese for dinner and watched Punch-Drunk Love; a movie we had been meaning to see for ages. Despite the fact that he was feeling miserable we had such a lovely evening. I cherish our nights at home, just the two of us and we have vowed to make these a priority. We enjoyed the movie- very different from the "normal" Adam Sandler movies, but we really liked it! A quirky love story- and so funny!!
After that we decided to watch The Break-Up since it was all over tv this weekend- Brian just thought it was hilarious; it really is. Such an honest and charismatic movie- but I still cry at the ending. I was drooling over Jen Aniston's feather necklace the entire time and knew that I just had to have it. So I popped on the Internet and found that it was designed by Tobey Maguire's fiancee, Jennifer Meyer. Her stuff is amazing, but way out of our price range for a necklace. But after a quick search I was so happy to find etsy shop kiskastyle and a fabulous version of the necklace!! And at a price that makes our checking account very happy. Etsy saves the day again! I am so in love.
I'm still dying for this one too. On Sunday we woke up early and ran some errands around town- we got to Target before they even opened and had to wait in the car for them to open the doors. So we sat in the car, eating the donuts we had just picked up, and watched the snow fall! It was very sweet. :) Anyway, we finished our errands and headed home. While waiting for football to start, Brian decided to get our Christmas stuff out of the attic. We didn't set out anything yet, but had fun sifting through some of the neat stuff that we have. Oh and found that G is really fond of some old school lights we have:

Pretty sure that is going to be our Christmas card photo! Spent the rest of the day watching football, hanging out with mom & dad and the girls, and relaxing. Oh so, so, so, so nice. It's weekends like this that make me completely forget about having one lousy, bad day and remembering how very, very lucky I am. And what's even better... I have a four day work week this week and TWILIGHT on Thursday night!!!!! Whoo hooo!!! Can't flipping wait!!
currently listening to :: supermassive black hole by muse.
Sounds like a nice relaxing weekend. I LOVE, LOVE that picture of G. Way cute!
Just so that we can appreciate them my dear!
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