For all my fellow Twilighter's- if you have not yet discovered the magic that is Stephanie Meyer's web site, you are missing out. Tons of updates fill the pages- pictures, music, news, etc, etc. I finally just got around today to reading the "outtakes" from Twilight- and I can't believe that I waited so long. I knew that they have been there- but I wanted to wait until I was done with the series to read them. Now that I am reading Twilight again- I remembered them and checked them out today {I will take any extra Twilight that I can get!} All I can say is W-O-W! They were all so sweet!! It goes without saying that my favorite is the extended prom remix. I was honestly crying {happily of course} at my desk reading it. RUN, don't walk, over to her site and read them immediately!!!
{image via InStyle.}
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