{summer edition}.
june. i really can't believe it.
it is starting to feel a lot like summer around here...

01. fresh strawberries.
02. sand volleyball on monday nights.
03. no longer needing an excuse to drink beer on a week night.
04. even if it's every week night.
05. breezes blowing through our house.
06. especially when they smell like lilacs.
07. sleeping on top of the covers.
08. ponytails.
09. vintage bicycles.
10. especially with baskets.
11. + bicycle rides.
12. otter pops.
13. running through sprinklers.
14. our favorite neighborhood ice cream truck.
15. backyard peonies.
16. outdoor concerts.
17. fireworks.
18. baseball games.
19. hot dog stands.
20. summer tv {read: weeds}.
21. partying on rooftops with great friends.
22. + gazing at the stars.
23. a big bowl full of cherries.
24. wearing pretty dresses.
25. convertible rides.
26. our parade of cars pulling onto the street
{you know who you are}.
27. ice cold lemonade.
28. pretending like we know how to landscape with husband.
29. bonfires in our newly-renovated firepit.
30. summer weddings.
31. late night car rides.
32. boat rides on the river.
33. camping.
34. canoeing/tubing.
35. really any water activities.
36. reading a book on the back deck.
37. playing games with the bluebird that lives in our backyard.
38. spending the day at the park.
39. picnics.
40. the drive-in movie theatre.
i'm sure there will be many more to come.
sorry for being so scarce this week.
but all of my time has been devoted to my adorable husband
who is home on vacation this week.
can you really blame me?

ahhh june. i really do love you.
currently listening to :: dark horse by bowerbirds.
I love June, too! And every summer month. It pays to be a teacher in more ways than one! : )
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