01. I am still frustrated, but handling it better.
02. Which means I’m not freaking out and throwing things and crying as much.
03. The weeks go by so fast now… I honestly can’t even tell you how fast.
04. Regina’s Folding Chair came on my ipod today at work… that song reminds me of summer so much.
05. I miss Florida.
06. Jasmine’s wedding flowers made the most beautiful boquets I have ever seen. Ever.
07. I’ve searched for ranunculus to plant in the fall for years and have never had any luck. This year I will find it.
08. I’m still learning a lot of new tasks and processes at work. Still really liking it. I think I am really going to like this job.
09. Tonight is the first night in a long while that we don’t have anything going on. I am so absolutely estatic to make some dinner, stay in and catch up with our dvr. All. Night. Long.
10. Friday’s have a very new appreciation in my life.
11. My BB is getting worse, and worse, and worse. And it is pissing me off more and more and more.
12. I still have yet to decide what to do about our cell carriers/phones. At this time the plans and phones will both be around the same amount of money… I just wish there was more of a difference there to make my decision for me.
13. We are working on everything that we can to cut some corners in our budget… I would love some suggestions if you have any. Currently I am canceling our home phone (we never use it), canceling our SHO & HBO for now (when True Blood/Weeds is on we will probably renew for the duration of their respective seasons), trying very very hard to get a good interest rate loan to consolidate (no dice here), so next step is to call creditors and try to get some interest rates lowered. If anyone has any experience/advice in this arena I could sure use it.
14. The Genius feature on my iPod makes me as happy as a kid at the zoo.
15. A couple photos from my new “home away from home”. Sorry for the quality…
16. Which brings me to… my camera is still broken. I think this might be affecting me more than I would like to admit. I’ve been using my film cameras a lot, but losing that instant gratification (minus the development costs) are really limiting me. For the first time ever I feel artistically depressed.
17. I really, really, really, really, really want a pair of Hunter boots before Spring. I have the above Polaroid Notes card hanging in my cubicle and it makes me happy every single day. I would also really like them in pink.
18. My list of to-do’s for this weekend is already off the charts… how do I possibly fit everything in?
19. The temperature was in the 20s today.... heat w a v e.
20. The snow isn’t bothering me yet. It is still pretty even when it tries to crash me into telephone poles.
That is all for now friends.
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