things that make Monday's better-

Monday, January 17, 2011

+ Pretty plants in my cubicle.

+ My one tree hill playlist.
+ That first sip of coffee.
+ New How I Met Your Mother episodes.
+ Leftover mac & cheese.
+ Wearing pretty pink shirts.
+ Recalling how awesome my weekend was.
+ A huge box of goldfish crackers in my desk drawer.
+ Arcade Fire's Pandora station.
+ The excitement that a lot of snow brings.
+ Husband driving me to and from work.
+ Making homemade meatballs.

By the way...

+ Sliding and almost hitting a telephone pole.
+ Spending $300 at the vet.
+ Petty arguments.
.... make Monday's not so great. 

Luckily for me, the good outweighs the bad.

(old chum.)
