my how time flies....
two years ago today i married the love of my life.
it's hard to believe it's been that long
because i still remember every little detail from that day.
at the time i didn't think it could possibly get any better,
but i was so very wrong.
and i have my hunky, handsome, sweet-as-sugar husband to thank for that.
happy anniversary bubbie.
i love this little life that we have created together
i love how much you love me.
and i love how much fun we have when we're together.
i can't wait to spend my the rest of my life laughing with you.
Yay for date-twins!
YES it has flown by. The 1st year more so than the 2nd though. We havne't decided how we're going to celebrate, but I'm sure it will include some good food and Beatles Rock Band :)
Happy Anniversary! Congratulations on 2 years. I wish you many many more!!
Happy Anniversary! I remember your wedding from the nest! LOL
Happy 2 years! : )
Happy Anniversary! Our third anniversary was on the 16th :)
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