Friday, September 11, 2009

my brain is currently too overloaded to put together an actual post.
so this is more like fragments of what is currently running around up there.
i'm so happy it's friday. for a short week it was really very long.

i am finally going to see this tonight. finally. it's about time.

tomorrow night we have lots of plans in the air... 
one of which is to attend the drive-in movie theatre to see this & this.
another involves tickets to an amazing, amazing art show's opening night.
hmmmmm.... decisions/decisions. 

my drive to work in the morning is one of my favorite parts of the day.
just me, my piping hot coffee, and my music jamming.

i love diana even more for posting this today. she is so lovely.
thank you darling.
and seeing what people are commenting is making me seriously tear up!

wearing lipstick makes me feel good.
i'm vowing to wear lipstick everyday for the rest of september.
today i am wearing this in passion fruit, but i see a lot of red in my future.

this song is the soundtrack for my day today.
my neighbors already know this because they watched me jamming out
to it while driving down the street this morning.

i must buy the beatles rock band immediately. must.

my husband is the most amazing artist. he can sketch like nobody's business.
sadly, he doesn't take the time to do it a lot because he needs a little extra push from me.
well last night he sketched a couple of my cameras, and they are so amazing.
thinking about adding them to the shop....

speaking of which, the summer sale is a huge hit so far.
and particularly the prints of G which he is quite proud of.
in fact, he has insisted on sleeping in our bed this past week
and i think that is the reason behind that one. little buger.

today was great. visits from my momma and jennifer at work all in the same day.
i love my ladies.

today is a day about remembrance. but we musn't forget to remember
those that we lost and those that they left behind everyday.
it's hard to believe it's been 8 years.

i bought a moleskine pocket journal {with grid paper} this week
- thanks to my loverly kristy's suggestion -
and i'm milding obsessed with writing in it.
i should have gotten two...

new fall tv so far has not disappointed me at all.
i love glee so much i get giddy just saying the name.

melrose place was good. not the most amazing pilot, but i think i will like it.
i love costas {from sisterhood of the traveling pants} and his fiance on the show!

on the other hand, vampire diaries, was an amazing pilot and i love this show already.
i must buy the books this weekend.

and i am wearing this shirt today..
and i love it sooooo much.
it's loose-ish, and the just fits adorable.
i love the length of the sleeves & the stripe color choices.
love it.

i think that is all for now.
i'm sure there will be more later.
as always.

have a great weekend.



Diana said...

Long post, long comment!

Lipstick! yes! i wear glasses so the lipstick is sometimes all I'm limited to.

The Moleskine mini is the best. I just got my july09/oct10 one and i'm so excited for it!

No problem on the feature! you have such a cool sale, i hope you sell like crazy!

Amy said...

please give a review of the movie... ive heard a lot of mixed reviews.

also, you MUST get the beatles rockband. We got it when it came out on wed., and have been playing everynight. We are actually having a beatles rockband party tonight! :)

Windy City Kelley's said...

I saw 500 days of summer a while ago and thought it was super cute. Love the striped shirt too :)