These girls did not disapoint- it was everything I could have hoped for. I don't want to give much away since it just released, but it follows their lives after high school graduation- through college and more and how they connect together through it all. I loved everything about it. The storylines, the hotties, their fashion, and their love for each other. Check it out!
I should also tell you that for the past week Brian and I have been getting prepared for a garage sale! It's not as exciting as it sounds; it's a lot of work! We have never had one before, so we have quite a loot. We are hoping to make some big bucks this weekend so keep your fingers crossed that the locals are interested in our old crap. HaHa. We actually do have some nice items for grab, let's hope it goes well.
Work has really sucked today. Not for any particular reason other than the fact that it is absolutely gorgeous outside today. It is killing me not to be a part of this glorious day outside. At least I got to soak up a bit of it on my lunch break. Nothing but blue skies out my sunroof:
To top it off, one my favorite Death Cab songs just happened to play right when I hopped in:
Doesn't that song just imply in itself that it's a glorious day. I love it:
I remember when the days were long
And the nights when the living room was on the lawn.
Constant quarreling, the childish fits, and our clothes in a pile on the ottoman.
All the slander and double-speak
Were only foolish attempts to show you did not mean.
Anything but the blatant proof was your lips touching mine in the photobooth.
And as the summer's ending
The cool air will put your hard heart away....
currently listening to :: photobooth by death cab for cutie.
I'm sooo glad the girls did not disappoint! You needed that!
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