Lots happening...

Monday, January 14, 2008

Wow.. it has been a long time and a lot of stuff going on. Not even sure that I can cover everything... between Christmas, New Years, Guinness growing, friends getting engaged and everything else, the past couple of months have been a whirlwind. I at least want to post some pictures, so that everyone knows we are still alive. =)

Here is our family Christmas picture:

Guinness in his favorite spot: in front of the heat vent.
A recent one of the hubby and myself:

Happy New Year! CHEERS.

I promised not to make resolutions for the year. Last year was so amazing for us that I didn't see how any resolutions could make my life better. But I do promise to start blogging more... it's a goal that I hope to meet... at least a few times a month.

Guinness continues to grow everyday! He weighs almost 30 lbs now and will turn 5 months old on the 19th! He really knows his routine now and looks forward to spending time with his mom & dad, as do we. =)

As I mentioned before, several of our friends have gotten engaged now! It's very exciting for us to witness these happy times with our friends, just as they were all there for us. A huge congrats to Jennifer & Andrew, Missy & Mike and Kayla & Jesse!
You can witness the love of Jennifer and Andrew below from New Years Eve... =)

We are also thrilled that Andrew & Stacey are living in town again, so now we really do get to see them every weekend. =)

2008 has already been very eventfilled for us, and we know that it will continue to be. Stay tuned and I promise to keep you updated on our crazy, loving lives.

Currently listening to: Rusted Wheel by Silversun Pickups
