Okay, I saw this on another Nestie's blog (Adventures in Randomness) and thought it was a great way to share about little ole' me! So here goes!
Four Jobs I'd Had In My Life
1. Babysitter.
2. Religious Education Assistant.
3. Newspaper Editor. (college paper)
4. Sales Analyst.
Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over
1. The Holiday.
2. Breakfast at Tiffanys.
3. Old School.
4. Officespace.
Four TV Shows I Like to Watch
1. One Tree Hill.
2. Notes From The Underbelly.
3. Brothers and Sisters.
4. Grey's Anatomy.
Four Places I Have Vacationed
1. Riviera Maya, Mexico.
2. Florida-- Fort Myers Beach, Orlando, West Palm Beach, Daytona.
3. Nashville, TN.
4. Michigan-- Holland, Speedways.
Four Websites I Visit Daily/Weekly
1. thenest.com
2. blogger.com
3. facebook.com
4. aol.com
Four of My Favorite Dishes
1. Any kind of pasta.
2. Bruschetta.
3. Cannova's New Yorker pizza.
4. Sushi-- esp. Super Crunch, Y2k, Rainbow rolls.
Four Places I'd Rather Be
1. In my bed.. cuddling with my dog & husband.
2. Laying on the beach.
3. Fishing on a boat in the ocean.
4. Drinking coffee at a corner bistro in Italy.
Ahhh... the good things in life. Now it's back to the daily grind. Hey, it's ALMOST Friday. Lucky for me- Brian and I are BOTH off of work tomorrow. YaY!! Since I have to travel next week, therefore forgoing my Martin Luther King holiday, I am taking off Friday to make up for it. We are planning on painting the bedroom.. but with all three of us home all day with nowhere to be- we MIGHT just end up cuddling on the couch watching tivod American Idol. Time will tell....
Currently listening to :: "Blackbird" by the Beatles
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