
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

my resolutions are simple. because i don't like making resolutions; i belong to the 'it's setting yourself up for failure when you do' camp on this matter. but i also believe in the luxury of a fresh start and taking advantage of this to focus on what you want/need and realinging yourself on your path. this is what is important to me and these are new things that i want to try. these are where my heart resides and this is organizing everything into one cheery list to help me to be brave and focused. i resolve to..

▲ be brave.
▲ get pregnant.
▲ say 'no' to people.
▲ more yoga.
▲ more reading.
▲ more smoothies.
▲ purchase a juicer [see previous resolution].
▲ finally paint my living room.
▲ pray more.
▲ use my running shoes.
▲ journal more.
▲ make my first ever layer cake.
▲ trust in God more.
▲ practice anxiety relief techniques.
▲ update our bathroom with our gifts from santa.
▲ do something with brian that we haven't together before [i'm thinking skiing].
▲ crochet something [anything] [second time this has been on my list].
▲ volunteer more.
▲ go to the ballet.
▲ do my hair like this.
▲ plant/grow ranunculus.
▲ go apple picking.
▲ go somewhere i haven't been before.
▲ make at least twenty things from my what katie ate cookbook.
▲ have a sister day.
▲ write 'little things' posts regularly [to remain focused on the positive].




shirleybarstool said...

Hi! I just discovered your blog and wanted to tell you how much I enjoy reading it. :)

Unknown said...

Thank you dearest! Xxo

Anonymous said...

Well said lover!:)