Monday, September 27, 2010

list twenty-two: sundays are for lovers

The idea for this list was taken from the ever-inspiring habit of being. Feel to play along & answer them yourself, as the joys of a Sunday are never ending.

My home base is currently in the midwest.. in the same town I grew up in to be exact. I don't think I'll be here forever, but for now, we aren't ready to leave our families. It excites me... the thought of living somewhere new. And scares me. Being so far away from the younger part of me. Surrounded by things that are fresh and different. I am anxious for that day.

Day to day I work as a stay at home wife. Ha! But seriously, that is the scope of my current work situation. I am actively looking for a job, but haven't had any leads in months, which can be very discouraging at times. My communication degree, I regret that. But I am looking at every job listing, and I know that my turn will be coming soon. I currently have no problem filling my days in the meantime. When I'm not looking for jobs & taking care of the house I am taking photos of anything & everything, editing on the back deck with a cup of jo, walking Guinness, thrifting, reading, blogging, tackling never-ending home improvement projects, and even a couple crafting ones as well. There are so many things in life that inspire me that I like to dabble with... I am really enjoying this free time for myself to find the things that I love the most.

If I didn’t do this I would be a teacher. An elementary school teacher... that is my dream job. I can't imagine waking up everyday and getting to do that as an actual paying job. That to me is perfect. I could also be a photographer, a writer, a publisher, an editor, a stay-at-home mom...

Next year I will travel to… the list of places that I would like to go to is long. I have no idea what the next year will bring, but some of the places at the top of my list are.... Oregon & Europe.... Paris.

To me, Sunday means bedhead, pajamas, football, sleeping in, baking, board games, reading, family, hot chocolate, walks around the neighborhood, naps, good movies & slippers.

And I like to eat eggs- every which way, soup, chips & salsa, pasta, & fish. everything bagels, homemade pizzas, & bread. bread. bread. bottomless coffee & tea.

And I will get out of bed the latest of the week... depending on the night before. Anywhere from 9 to 11.

And I get dressed around usually not at all.

And I will smile about most everything, having no where to be but with family, having plenty of time to prepare good meals, having plenty of sleep, and the good movies on television.

And I may just daydream about our future family life with kids and a big old yellow house with lots of nooks & bookcases. Dogs running around and picking wildflowers in the backyard. Windows open and a cool breeze streaming through the house and continuing until drying our clothes on the line in the backyard. And the fireplace at night keeping us warm, with hot chocolate and reading time before bed.

And when Monday comes I will remember that life is at a crossroads for us right now- a standstill and it can't stay this way. Things are changing, everyday changing, and to accept each passing day for what it is, and take from it every positive thing that will help us in the future.

xoxxx Chelsea
{twenty-two down; thirty to go}.


Joi said...

Your outlook is so fresh. Have you considered working something that is not necessarily in your field but still a job? Maybe you'll find you like doing other things...just a thought!

Have a great Monday. : D