things that I learned from our SD road trip:
01. Everly is the greatest duo ever.
02. And they are gorgeous; inside & out.
02. And they are gorgeous; inside & out.
03. Road trips are lots of fun on the way there.
04. Not so much fun on the way back.
05. Taking lots of goofy pictures helps.
06. And a cooler full of Coke and Sunkist.
07. It really sucks when you break your sunglasses & there is no Target in sight.
08. My Blackberry is my lifeline.
09. If you hang around long enough you will eventually get autographed merch [score].
10. Laptops > Desktops.
11. There is a place called Everly, Iowa.
12. And we took it by storm.
13. Adult hours of hotel pools are necessary [I didn’t always agree with this].
14. Carnival rides now make me sick… I don’t love the Zipper like I used to.
15. Roadside attractions are so much fun. Especially when you fit inside a skillet.
16. Being able to rest your bag on top of the actual stage of the concert you are at is the best thing ever; for obvious reasons.
17. We were this close:
18. Every hotel should have tea & coffee in their lobby at all times.
19. My sister is indeed actually 18 years old.
20. And lives very, very far away from me.
21. But I’ve realized that a sisterhood is one relationship that never changes- no matter distance, or time- it always stays the same.
22. My husband gets very delirious without enough sleep.
23. Always take my pillow with me. Always.
24. Road trip playlists with 428 songs is not enough.
25. My stomach doesn’t like riding in the backseat.
26. The Corn Palace is a really cool place that everyone should see.
27. Not all land looks like it does in Iowa; even neighboring states.
28. I get homesick easily.
29. Chuck Norris shots taste really good; whatever is in them.
30. Stacey doesn’t know how to eat Laffy Taffys.
31. Flying J is the only necessary gas station.
32. Husbands that sing along to Everly songs & guard your awesome spots at the concerts are the best ever.
33. We like to laugh until we cry.
34. Blue Bunny makes the best ice cream. Period.
35. Enation also rocked the house!
36. Oh yeah, and we met Enation. What!
It was an amazingly successful road trip and seriously one of the best times ever. To see people up close that you have admired from afar for so long is surreal. I took over 1,000 photos on this trip!! I have no idea what I will do with them all, but I'm so glad that I have them.
**Please credit me for the Everly photos if you want to post them elsewhere. I totally understand if you do because let's face it- they rock, so please just credit me.
Looks like a road trip to remember! i love the photo of the huge skillet. My family loves traveling to see quirky roadside attractions like these! We have a blog,“Go BIG or Go Home,” which chronicles what happens when our small-town family visits the “world’s largest”…whatever!
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