back to the lists: with real original thoughts..

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Things that are making me happy:

01. Aveda tea (honestly it's heaven in a cup).
02. my iPhone (we're so in love).
03. wearing vests -- just call me Mr. Schuster.
04. Pushing Daisies on Instant Netflix.
05. Our tax return.
06. an added dvr in our bedroom.
07. in combination with our new bed....
08. which combines to create my sacred haven.
09. spring and all of its possibilities.
10. a good story.
11. pistachios (turns out I love them).
12. highlighting my favorite passages in the kindle.
13. making chicken fried rice at home.
14. my car -- because even though the radio doesn't work it gets me around & has no payment.
15. oh and because it's a convertible.
16. my etsy shop -- because even though I hardly update it lately, I still have occasional sales and it feels good.
17. instagram and hipstogram.
18. mila kunis at the oscars. seriously, that dress.
19. this favorite song of mine, circa 2005, which I have recently fallen in love with. again.

Thanks Laura. This is what I consider the perfect lullaby.



Joi said...

A couple of your faves that make my list too...

1) Mila Kunis...LOVE her!
2) A car with no payment--wootwoot!