man cold.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

So, last night. Husband and I were watching dvr'd Southland (do you watch this show? So good. Any old fans of Third Watch will feel right at home) and on comes this commercial....

Just the first one. MAN COLD. I looked at husband. Husband looked at me. Both trying not to smile. For a moment I think he thought I would let the moment past… and then about 5 seconds later my body convulsed in uncontrollable laughter. This IS my husband. As well as most other men I’m told. But honestly, he was just sick a couple of weeks ago (the time that I shoveled 12 inches of snow by myself because he was :cough cough: too sick to move. What I never told you about that?!?!?!?!) and seriously that commercial IS HIM.

I think I’m still chuckling about this a little… a good 24 hours later. I will never let this go. Never.
Don’t worry honey. I will still be at your right hand, but I will continue to laugh at you while doing it. MEN.

