new year

Thursday, January 1, 2015

the new year. in my mind I envision shaking out clean, fresh linens off of the clothes line in the backyard and making the bed... crisp, fresh, white, clean. new. except it's not your bed, it's your life. refreshing. recharging.

I have a lot of hopes and expectations for 2015, but they all come with a disclaimer: do less with more focus. Even though there is much that I want to accomplish, life is chaotic enough all on it's own without added expectations. I have struggled with this for a long time and it is oftentimes hard to let things go when they don't work out how you imagined. this is the first of my goals. to live simpler, but with more focus. to focus on what it is truly important in my heart. to simplify. to do less. to have less. quality over quantity in all aspects. it is such a relief. and to be honest, it is something that my anxiety-riddled existence really needs. I will be simplifying and focusing on things that matter, no matter how small. things like:

read to my daughter more | be on my iphone less | declutter our home | eat cleaner | use my dslr more | explore new places | grow our family | paint things white | spend time on myself | date my husband | read more books | show lorelai everything | have slumber parties in the living room | wear lipstick more | stay organized | blog more | slow down | always appreciate the little things | go to the library more | buy my first car | introduce lorelai to all kinds of music | she reads truth 365 days of truth study | embrace imperfection | focus on staying calm | enjoy the now | grow more plants | spend more time outdoors | chase the light | always be in the moment | minimal stuffget in front of the camera more | more essential oils | be okay with a messy house | organize finances | try again to keep a fiddle fig leaf alive | more farmer's market | more walks | cook more | more bicycle rides | thrift more | be okay with being a working mother | dream | more braids | maintain balance | go to eaux claires | watch more sunrises | find joy | always remember that it's okay to be happy with a calm life | drink more water

it's going to be a good one friends,
Xxxx chelsea

[image source: small fry blog]


Unknown said...

I have found that since my daughter has learned to walk, I have the darnedest time trying to get her to sit still for a book. I even try making up our own story to go along with the pictures, and ask her questions to try to keep her engaged... It's so hard!

Unknown said...

2015 is your year 😘 I found you on your blog sweets

Chic Boston Mama said...

love this so much!!! Being in the moment and letting go of what I imagined life being so that I make space for the life I was meant to have is what I want to work on this 2015. I also spent 2014 concentrating on my little human (so worth it) but I think 2015 will be a little about concentrating on myself a little too. And not feeling guilty for it!!!!

Happy New Year my friend, hope it is an even better one for you.