a day for bub.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

this weekend I was so extremely fortunate to share in day of celebration with my family and friends for baby bub. several of my family members and close friends joined together to host a baby shower for me, and it was unlike anything I could have ever dreamed up. they found a cozy, intimate, charming little inn overlooking the river and surrounded by fall. they gathered all kinds of my favorite things like pumpkins and apple cider and chalkboards and chocolate oatmeal cake and bulldogs (yes, they even made sure that G made an appearance) and bunting and perfect baby things and candy corn and candles and most importantly so many of my loved ones. I am so grateful to everyone that made this day so special for me. I will truly never forget it.

I still feel like I spent the day in the clouds. thank you to my wonderful family and friends that are family for creating this day for me. I am beyond thankful to all of the special people in my life for sharing this magical time with us. I love you all!



Micaela said...

Looks perfect! So excited for you! I think boy. :)

Julia Goolia said...

So beautiful. And so excited for you--what a loved little baby you have already!