Friday, August 3, 2012

hey jesus, help me out here
i'm alone with what sure ain't clear
cause every day I climb mountain

half the size than everyone else out there.

and I know i'm ungrateful
i got sunshine
plenty days full
but I don't mind a cloud
and a confrontation now 
just might be what I'm asking for.

a silhouette from a which to run 
and an absence from the fun
i don't work hard enough for.

but i'll be alright, yeah 
maybe I'll just be a man
or an individual doomed to be the lucky guy I am.

hey brother, i said, "listen, jesus,

i've been needing a word between us"
the queen of where I fall 
but the keys they end it all
she ain't getting on well. 

but i'll be alright, yea

maybe i'll just be a man
or an individual doomed to be the lucky guy I am 
an individual doomed to be the lucky guy I am.
