Then on Saturday, we headed to Six Flags' Fright Fest with Andrew, Jennifer, Kris & Katie.... what an awesome time!! Although we only made it on 2 rides- it was still a great day and we did a lot of catching up, and scaring the shit out of ourselves.
Here is us girls on the Raging Bull....
And the boys.... how the heck did they know where the camera was?!?!
We had a great time with our great friends and made some new memories.
Hubby and I in front of scary guy!
And then of course on Sunday we drove 14 hours to pick up GUINNESS and bring him home. A long day, but worth every second. He has been unbelievably well behaved and is enjoying his new pad and family.
Here he is with Brian during the drive home.... "are we there yet dad?"
And sleeping the day away..... "squishy face!"
Welcome home Guinness!
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