Well this is funny. Currently I'm laid up in bed, sick with a nasty head cold. Kids are in bed and Brian is out at a work function. I can't even tell you the last time I had a minute to myself like this and since I'm sick and don't feel like doing anything productive really, (ha!) I turned on Netflix and flipped open my laptop. I ended up here and sitting in my drafts is this post that I wrote up back in July and apparently never posted. Whoops. What's even funnier is that all of these things are still perfectly rad so I'm going to share them now... with some updated thoughts too.
I haven't shared a post like this in forever, but lately I feel like I have stumbled into so many good things, one way or another. I can't help but share the goods!
one. This Rebalancing Facial Cleanser from basq is like haaaalllleeeelluujjaaahhhh. For real, this stuff is magic. It is so creamy and smooth and gentle my skin just drinks it up. You know you've found the goods when you consistently worry that the company will stop making it. (Psssstttttt, basq never stop). That said, since writing this post I do have to add that I also regularly use Glossier's Milky Jelly Cleanser and it is THE BOMB DOT COM. Not to be confused with the Balm DotCom although that is equally as rad. Oh and also these are brilliant for lazy nights when washing your face is just too much work or you need a little refresher. Obsessed with them.
two. The Mosaico app and I became tight when VSCO decided to up and change everything. I use it for organizing, laying out and scheduling my Instagram posts. It's handy and simple and just what I was looking for. It was, I think, $5.99 which is more than I typically pay for apps, but has since proven itself worthy.
three. Podcasts. I know, I know, nothing new here. I've been hooked since Serial. Lately it seems that many, many podcasts are upping their game. I find myself listening any chance I get... at work, always while driving, heck it even makes doing the dishes enjoyable (sort of). What are some of your favorites? I plan to compile a list of mine, but there are a ton so I'll make a new post for that. Promise!
four. Amazon Prime. Do I really need to explain further? I Prime everything.
five. Glossier. So yeah, I already mentioned a couple products above, but I love absolutely everything everything everything Glossier and everything that this company stands for. I swear, I am so not a makeup girl. It's just not my thing to be done up a lot. Enter Glossier. They emphasize enhancing ones natural beauty with simple, effective, quality products and I just could not love them more. This is a bit embarrassing, but I have literally used every single product that they sell. (Whoops). If I was forced to pick a few favorites, they would be the cleanser I mentioned above, Balm Dotcom in Rose, Priming Moisturizer, Boy Brow, Generation G in Like, and Stretch Concealer.
four. Amazon Prime. Do I really need to explain further? I Prime everything.
five. Glossier. So yeah, I already mentioned a couple products above, but I love absolutely everything everything everything Glossier and everything that this company stands for. I swear, I am so not a makeup girl. It's just not my thing to be done up a lot. Enter Glossier. They emphasize enhancing ones natural beauty with simple, effective, quality products and I just could not love them more. This is a bit embarrassing, but I have literally used every single product that they sell. (Whoops). If I was forced to pick a few favorites, they would be the cleanser I mentioned above, Balm Dotcom in Rose, Priming Moisturizer, Boy Brow, Generation G in Like, and Stretch Concealer.
six. Peonies. Because I wrote this in July and everyone loves peonies in July and longs for them in January.
seven. Another thing I don't use a lot of is hair product. Other than a detangler that Lorelai and I both use, this is truly one of the only hair products I own. It's Living Proof's Night Cap Overnight Perfector from their Perfect hair Day line and let me tell you why I love it. I typically shower at night before bed because I wake up very early (seriously 4am) for work and I love the feeling of going to bed with wet hair. But let's get real, I'm also lazy and blowdrying my hair every wash is not for me. This product is like beauty sleep for your hair. It's brilliant!! I swear, a couple pumps of this good stuff and my wet, bed head looks flawless after a quick brush in the morning. This product was invented for me, I swear.
eight. I snagged this hand cream up at Target a while back because it met my must be a thick, non-greasy, cream requirement (i.e., not a vaseline or thin lotion). I know, I know, I'm picky. And also the packaging caught my eye. Loved it and bought it many times after that. Only recently I haven't been able to find it at my local Target anymore. Hope it comes back soon!
nine. I tried this affordable Whole Blends shampoo and conditioner and was very impressed with the quality for the price! I don't think I would use it every single wash for years straight, but as far as drugstore shampoos go, I've never found anything better.
ten. Books books books. Admittedly my reading habit has taken a back seat since kids because LIFE BE CRAZY you guys. But here a few great ones that I got my hands on last year: Loving My Actual Life, State of Wonder, The Girls.
Better late than never! Xxo
seven. Another thing I don't use a lot of is hair product. Other than a detangler that Lorelai and I both use, this is truly one of the only hair products I own. It's Living Proof's Night Cap Overnight Perfector from their Perfect hair Day line and let me tell you why I love it. I typically shower at night before bed because I wake up very early (seriously 4am) for work and I love the feeling of going to bed with wet hair. But let's get real, I'm also lazy and blowdrying my hair every wash is not for me. This product is like beauty sleep for your hair. It's brilliant!! I swear, a couple pumps of this good stuff and my wet, bed head looks flawless after a quick brush in the morning. This product was invented for me, I swear.
eight. I snagged this hand cream up at Target a while back because it met my must be a thick, non-greasy, cream requirement (i.e., not a vaseline or thin lotion). I know, I know, I'm picky. And also the packaging caught my eye. Loved it and bought it many times after that. Only recently I haven't been able to find it at my local Target anymore. Hope it comes back soon!
nine. I tried this affordable Whole Blends shampoo and conditioner and was very impressed with the quality for the price! I don't think I would use it every single wash for years straight, but as far as drugstore shampoos go, I've never found anything better.
ten. Books books books. Admittedly my reading habit has taken a back seat since kids because LIFE BE CRAZY you guys. But here a few great ones that I got my hands on last year: Loving My Actual Life, State of Wonder, The Girls.
Better late than never! Xxo
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