They always have been. But since returning to work after my maternity leave, I have never cherished a weekend more. Each and every second with Lorelai is precious. And with Guinness too. Soaking up our family time by the ounce. This weekend we indulged in so many wonderful things together.
Target runs // giving Lorelai baths // giving Guinness a bath too // chinese takeout // watching Frozen with Lorelai // she loved it and watched it for an entire hour before falling asleep // kicking her legs during all of the songs // opened the windows in the house // so many iced lattes // filling our grocery cart with produce // Brian was Kirby's confirmation sponsor // and Lorelai got dressed up for the event // our favorite ice cream shop opening for the summer // embracing quiet, early mornings // singing (a lot) // cuddling // making cookies from chickpeas // and spaghetti squash chicken marinara // strolls around the block // watching Lorelai kick and play in her new bouncer // reading stories // walking dead finale // dancing to records // washing a lot of clothes // taking naps // tickling // kissing // loving.
Tomorrow is Lorelai's first day of daycare. I am kind of a mess about it. I am glad that I had the smooth transition of returning to work while Brian was able to stay home with her for a couple of weeks and family members helped out. But now it's time for the next step and I don't feel ready. I wish with all of my heart that our situation allowed me to care for her myself, every day. But I know that working is the best way that I can support her. I wish that made my heart hurt less.
Sounds like the perfect weekend. I hope her first day of daycare goes well!
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