just you

Friday, August 28, 2015

lorelai mabel.

my heart hasn't been the same since the day you entered our world. on that day it both tripled in size and broke at the thought of anything ever hurting you. you altered my whole world into something better and brighter. clearer. you have made me feel more like myself than ever before.

in you, I have found myself.

you have made me a mother.

and for so long, it has been just us. and everything, yours. this house has been yours. our laps, yours. our hearts, yours completely.

now you have a little sibling growing bigger every day inside of my belly. and although you don't fully understand what this means, you love kissing my growing bump just the same, caressing it with your tiny hands while you say "bebe", "bebe" time and time again.

I am overjoyed to be growing our little family and dream of a new, tiny little one that is just like you. with translucent blonde hair and deep blue eyes. I dream for you to have a best friend forever; a constant partner by your side. but my heart aches too, knowing that our time as just us is slowly fading and soon everything that is now yours, will be shared. you will learn to share your room and your toys and your books and your papa and your home and your nighttime stories. I know that you will love your brother or sister unlike anyone else in the world, but I want you to know how special our time as just us has been. it is something that I will carry with me always. long after you start preschool, and go off to college and have a family of your own, I will carry these sweet memories with me. just us.

soon our home will shrink and our hearts will grow, but for now, my love, your hair is the only hair that I will brush and your lips are the only ones that I will kiss. my cuddles and kisses are yours, just yours. your bed time story is yours and yours alone and our early morning lingering in bed and middle of the night snuggles are just for you. just you.

you. you. you. you.


Joi said...

Girl! All of this. SO TRUE.