twenty six.

Monday, March 14, 2011

My birthday weekend was crazy, awesome, radical, insane, busy, fun-filled, loving, fantastic, exhausting, thrilling, tiring, but mostly just amazing. I could spew out a thousand other adjectives ultimately resulting in how blessed I am, but I'll just leave it at that. Filled with friends, cake, pizza, gifts, drinks, road trips, shopping, new vinyl, pink glittery toms, family, cupcakes, pasta, dancing, getting pulled over by the police (but we'll skip that), yummy perfumes, more pasta, shirts with books on them, sleeping in, chinese food, ice cream, new makeup, tiny red velvet cakes, nail painting, pink rain boots, james dean, the goodness that is l'occitane, bully cuddles, three new bags, an astonding amount of messages, emails, sticky notes, cards, tweets, texts, notifications, greetings, hugs and kisses, and chalkboard memos.

Thank you all of the amazing people in my life and for sharing this time in my life with me. Twenty-six may not be so bad.



Joi said...

Happy belated birthday! Great photos and great gifts! I LOVE my upper twenties. They're awesome!: )

Ashley Eiban said...

Oh what an awesome birthday! Looks like so much fun!! :)