Wednesday, June 10, 2009

.new sight.

i'm so excited about my new glasses.
i haven't had a decent pair since high school.
+ these are just too perfect.

they're from the ever fabulous oliver peoples collection.
which i've been following thanks to my adoration for zooey deschanel.
let's just hope i look as good as zooey in them.

check out their site if you haven't already.
especially if you're in the market for some new glasses.
but even if you're not- there is:
really good music. framed faces.
+ a really sweet video by autumn de wilde
featuring zooey deschanel + matt costa



Lindsay said...

love them! the vision council of america is one of my clients and i was able to visit the oliver peoples booth in nyc @vision expo east. very cool frames!!

Diana said...

i love them. i've been wearing glasses as young as they can wrap a rubber headstrap around my baby head :( i love getting new frames!